#UPROOT Scorecard project

As we continue to contribute to the overall strengthening of youth focused responses in the context of integrated HIV response, with support from Global Network of Young people living with HIV (Y+ Global), UNAIDS, and The PACT, Peer To Peer Uganda is implementing the #UPROOT Scorecard project to hold surveys, consultative meetings and focused group discussions.

PEERU is leading the rollout of the pilot of the updated methodology for the #UPROOT scorecard project in Uganda a youth-led accountability tool designed by young people to measure progress, identify challenges and gaps to achieve the commitments on young people established in the political Declaration on HIV and AIDS and the Global AIDS Strategy. The revised and updated tool meets its objective of providing strategic information for advocacy, programming and decision making to advance the National HIV responses for young people in Uganda.

It is very important for us to note that the commitment established towards community-led monitoring in the 2021 political declaration, and the improved #UPROOT scorecard 2.0 tool, offers a unique window of opportunity to drive the rollout of a new generation of youth-led monitoring process at the national level. 

The scorecard project works with in the following goals:

To assess the level of understanding, knowledge, awareness and capacity of young people at the country level about public policies. 

To equip young people with the knowledge about laws, policies, national strategies as well as the national level intervention available for young people at country level.

To identify gaps, challenges and opportunities in the national HIV response for young people to advocate for necessary changes and improvements. 

To initiate the constant communication with young people and policy makers, stakeholders, government officials and other important spaces.